Easy-to-use, automatic
coffee machines for
your business

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Got a question about our coffee machines?
Your recommended beverage solutions

Milano Touch 30
Classic black compact design with up to 12 beverage selections
Alegria Touch 120
Robust and modern with the ability to handle up to 1400 cups per day
NESCAFÉ iPilot E2S Combi
Stylish, affordable machine with fresh coffee beans and fresh milk fridge.


A dedicated team of experts will provide you with ongoing support and insightful advice to ensure hassle-free operation of your machine, and maximise business benefits.


We are transforming our business and using our resources to tackle climate change and inspire change.

Industry insights and trends

Customer experience / Employee experience

Waiting can be excruciating when it’s not done right. Learn how a little bit of effort, attention to detail, and of course a great cup of coffee can improve one’s waiting experience.

Customer experience / Employee experience

If your business is looking for new ways to incorporate sustainable practices, here are some tips and tricks that can help achieve these goals.

Employee experience

To help reduce staff turnover where possible, here are some tips and incentives you can offer your staff to help build morale and loyalty.

How can we help you?

Find answers to some of our most frequently
asked questions below.